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Sehat & Segar Dari Alam

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Things that I believe

  1. " Live your life with love, make yourself usefull for others, or at least for yourself, and never forget The One who has created you..."
  2. Salat-lah sebelum kau di-salati, OK ?? OK dooonnkkk !!!
  3. Hidup hanya sekali, jangan dibikin susah, palagi nyusahin orang lain, setuju kaaann ???
  4. Surga di telapak kaki ibu, so, do the best for your mom !!! ( Dad too ... ; P )
  5. Di balik tiap kesedihan atau kekecewaan yang didapat pasti ada hikmah yang bisa dipetik. So, jangan terlalu lama bersedihnya yaaa....


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